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Spanish property repossessions and Dacion en Pago

Know-how News 2017-05-02 simontweddle

Many of our clients (particularly from the UK & Ireland) own property in Spain, and unfortunately over the last few years (due to falling property prices, low…

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Perpetual usufruct in Poland comes to an end

Know-how News 2016-12-06 simontweddle

Perpetual usufruct in Poland is a sort of a public ground lease, you can find more details about it here. The Polish government is currently working…

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Benefits of giving SIM PoA to sell your property

Know-how 2016-08-24 simontweddle

Once a price has been agreed between buyer and seller there are many documents that need to be prepared, signed and notarised for the sale to…

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Change of Czech property sales tax rules

News 2016-08-16 simontweddle

It was recently announced that the government have finally signed into law the change of Czech property sales (transfer) tax rules. The result is the seller of…

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What is Perpetual usufruct in Poland?

Know-how 2016-05-09 annagrybelkloc

Perpetual usufruct (right of perpetual usufruct, RPU) is the English-language term often used by Polish lawyers to describe the Polish version of public ground lease. It…

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Czech Company Databoxes

Know-how 2016-04-14 simontweddle

This article is only relevant if you own a Czech property via a Czech company. A Czech databox („datová schránka“ in Czech) is the electronic method…

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How to change the bank account where the tenant pays the rent in the Czech Republic?

Q: What do you need to do if you want/need to change the bank account where the tenant pays the rent which is different than that…

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Where can non-EU citizens buy property to get EU residency?

Know-how 2016-02-22 simontweddle

Many poorer EU countries, struggling under austerity and desperate to attract investment, have introduced a scheme that allows wealthy foreign investors to buy property in their…

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